Managing multiple helm subcharts as part of Continuous Integration


My current situation is that there are multiple APIs and frontends as part of one package. Currently, the CI pipeline builds the docker container and pushes it to a repository, tagged with the build number.

I am currently trying to produce a Helm chart as part of each build. When packaging the chart, I can use "helm package --app-version XXXX" to use the build number for this chart but I don't know how I'd change the value of the tag to use based on the build number.

My end goal is to have a separate repository which contains just a Helm chart to encompass the subcharts with the build numbers of each of the components and release that as a specific version. So the main chart would be 1.0.0 and the subcharts would be versioned based on their builds.

My questions are: 1. Is it possible to change the values in a chart before publishing it? If so, how would I go about doing it? 2. Does this approach sound good for CI/CD and a Microservice style architecture?

Thanks, James

-- James B.

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