how to deploy or do rolling update depending on existing replication controller?



I have mutiple stages in docker. I am using both rolling update and deployement. currently if nothing is deployed I have to do deploy manually and every time I update rolling update will be run by itself.

I want to automate everything. I want to write some condition to check if there is existing replication controller then run rolling update else run deploy. I tried to put if statements in scripts in both deploy or rollout update.

- >
  if rancher --debug kubectl rollout status deployment $CI_PROJECT_NAME; then
      exit 0

unfortunately I got error:

ERROR: Job failed (system failure): secrets "runner-yx1bv22m-project-122-concurrent-0vrbdb" is forbidden: exceeded quota: default-467s2, requested: secrets=1, used: secrets=20, limited: secrets=20

from what I understand I can't run both jobs at once. what Is the right way to achieve either deployment or rolling update depending on current deployment status?

-- Vato

1 Answer


enter image description here

Basically I got rid of second job. I do everything in single job now.

    other scripts
    - CHECK_DEPLOYMENT=$(rancher --debug kubectl --insecure-skip-tls-verify get deployments -n $CI_PROJECT_NAME-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG | grep $CI_PROJECT_NAME | awk '{print $1}')
    - >
      if [ "$CHECK_DEPLOYMENT" == "$CI_PROJECT_NAME" ]; then
        do rollup script
        do deploy script

both deployment or rollup is done by adding single if statement. depending on deployment it will do either roll up or it will deploy.

-- Vato
Source: StackOverflow