TLS certificate works in Firefox but doesn't in Chrome


I have a microservices written with C# (ASP.NET Core 2.2) and I use nginx ingress as an API Gateway. I have a handshake exception on mobile app when trying to use a real device (Android), but everything is OK when I use the iOS emulator. Besides, I tried to use the API from browsers, and I had success in Firefox and Safari, but Chrome shows the "Not secured connection". I would really appreciate it if you could help me resolving the issue.

On the google cloud I have a secret for TLS with crt and key.

All services use the PFX file (ASP.NET Core, Kestrel), generated with crt and key. This configuration works, I'm 100% sure, since I used a docker-compose before and didn't face this issue. The certificate is valid. That's why I'm thinking that it might be something related to ingress...

Ingress configuration:

  - secretName: my-tls
-- Lex

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