error while getting metrics summary with customized kubelet


I'm setting up a java kubernetes client(using kubernetes java client library) to connect to kubernetes cluster and it's OK to register my node and run my pod , however, I need to provide my metrics as well, currently I can not see anything returned by "kubectl top nodes" command, and I check the log in metric servers and found "error while getting metrics summary from Kubelet Get https://someip:10250/stats/summary/: dial tcp :10250: getsockopt: connection refused", so I set up my own cadvisor server listen to 10250 for my kubelet, and make it return a json data, however I get below error

E0621 10:27:05.508085 1 summary.go:97] error while getting metrics summary from Kubelet Get https://someip:10250/stats/summary/: EOF May I know what the problem is ? My data format is using the similar raw data as I get from other nodes with stat/summary api. Any help will be appreciated!

-- pingflying

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