How to get specific request to be Served by Specific application (among multiple running Apps) in a POD in Kubernetes?


I have a Client-Server based application where my clients are available in a Kubernetes as PODs. Here, Clients-Server communication is Asynchronous.

Assume I have five PODs of my client app (POD1, POD2, POD3, POD4, POD5) running in a single Node inside Kubernetes.

Now, I want some specific request to be served by specific running POD inside a Node. This required to be done Asynchronously.

If I send request type1 then it should be handled by POD1 only. If I send request type2 then it should be handled by POD2 only.

How can I identify whether my request is served by same POD (running instance) or not and How can I achieve it ?

At server side, How can I uniquely identify the POD which has served the request ?

-- raj

1 Answer


You need something like istio Here which can route traffic to specific pods

-- sachgits
Source: StackOverflow