I am following this tutorial to perform a so called quickstart on gcp
's cloud run
and experiment a bit with it.
Some delays and inconsistencies about announced and typical service availability aside, the scripted steps went well.
What I want to ask (couldn't find any documentation or explanation about it) is why, in order for me to access the service I need to pass to curl
a specific Host
header as indicated by the relevant tutorial:
curl -v -H "Host: hello.default.example.com" YOUR-IP
is the public IP of the Load Balancer created by istio-managed ingress gatewau
As mentioned by Jose Armesto’s answer, it’s simply because Cloud Run on GKE uses Knative, which uses Istio. Istio ingress gateway receives all traffic to all your Cloud Run services, and proxies them to the right place based on registered hostnames of the service.
If you Map custom domains using Cloud Run and actually set up your domain‘s DNS records to point to the ingress gateway of your Cloud Run on GKE set up, you won't need it as you will actually have a domain name that’s used in the Host
header, and recognized by the gateway. So the traffic will flow to the right place.
Most proxies that handle external traffic match requests based on the Host
header. They use what's inside the Host
header to decide which service send the request to. Without the Host
header, they wouldn't know where to send the request.
Host-based routing is what enables virtual servers on web servers. It’s also used by application services like load balancing and ingress controllers to achieve the same thing. One IP address, many hosts.
Host-based routing allows you to send a request for api.example.com and for web.example.com to the same endpoint with the certainty it will be delivered to the correct back-end application.
That's typical in proxies/load balancers that are multi-tenant, meaning they handle traffic for totally different tenants/applications sitting behind the proxy.
All answers given are correct more or less but I would like to post a more concrete description of the situation I came about after some digging.
As pointed out by other fellows, in GKE-based cloud run, istio manages routing. Therefore, by default (and unless there is a way to override that behavior), istio will create
an istio ingress gateway handling your incoming traffic
a virtual service with the routing rules for the specific container you spin up via gcloud cloud run deploy ...
So I discovered this resource
➣ $ kubectl get virtualservice --all-namespaces
knative-serving route-eaee65aa-91c8-11e9-be08-42010a8000e2 17h
whose description and the corresponding host-based routing rules, explain the need for passing the specific `Host
➣ $ kubectl describe virtualservice route-eaee65aa-91c8-11e9-be08-42010a8000e2 --namespace knative-serving
Name: route-eaee65aa-91c8-11e9-be08-42010a8000e2
Namespace: knative-serving
Labels: networking.internal.knative.dev/clusteringress=route-eaee65aa-91c8-11e9-be08-42010a8000e2
Annotations: networking.knative.dev/ingress.class=istio.ingress.networking.knative.dev
API Version: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
Kind: VirtualService
Creation Timestamp: 2019-06-18T12:59:42Z
Generation: 1
Owner References:
API Version: networking.internal.knative.dev/v1alpha1
Block Owner Deletion: true
Controller: true
Kind: ClusterIngress
Name: route-eaee65aa-91c8-11e9-be08-42010a8000e2
UID: f0a40244-91c8-11e9-be08-42010a8000e2
Resource Version: 5416
Self Link: /apis/networking.istio.io/v1alpha3/namespaces/knative-serving/virtualservices/route-eaee65aa-91c8-11e9-be08-42010a8000e2
UID: f0a51032-91c8-11e9-be08-42010a8000e2
Append Headers:
Knative - Serving - Namespace: default
Knative - Serving - Revision: hello-8zgvn
Regex: ^hello\.default(?::\d{1,5})?$
Regex: ^hello\.default\.example\.com(?::\d{1,5})?$
Regex: ^hello\.default\.svc(?::\d{1,5})?$
Regex: ^hello\.default\.svc\.cluster\.local(?::\d{1,5})?$
Attempts: 3
Per Try Timeout: 10m0s
Host: activator-service.knative-serving.svc.cluster.local
Number: 80
Weight: 100
Timeout: 10m0s
Websocket Upgrade: true
Events: <none>
What is more, in case you add a custom domain mapping it turns out GCP takes care the routing by creating an additional virtual service in the default
namespace this time
➣ $ kubectl get virtualservice --all-namespaces
default cloudrun.mydomain.com 13m
knative-serving route-23ad36f5-9326-11e9-b945-42010a800057 31m