How can I choose a name for my application on OpenShift


I deployed my application on Openshift using the commands:

oc project <projectname>

Then I navigate to my application's directory and use the command:

mvn fabric8:deploy -Popenshift

This deploys to Openshift perfectly.

The only problem is that it automatically names my application and I am not sure where it is getting the name from. I want to change it to [app-name]-test, [app-name]-dev, etc

So, where does it get the application name from and how can I change it?

-- monkey123

1 Answer


It's usually in your fabric8 XML configuration (pom.xml). For example:

  <!-- Standard d-m-p configuration which defines how images are build, i.e. how the docker.tar is created -->
      <!-- "alias" is used to correlate to the containers in the pod spec -->
  <!-- resources to be created -->
    <!-- Labels that are applied to all created objects -->
    <!-- Definition of the ReplicationController / ReplicaSet. Any better name than "containers" ? -->
      <!-- Name of the replication controller, which will have a sane default (container alisa, mvn coords, ..) -->
      <!-- Override here -->

It defaults to ${project.artifactId} but you can override with whatever you'd like with something like ${project.artifactId}-dev. You can also edit the deployment manually in Kubernetes:

$ kubectl edit deployment ${project.artifactId}
-- Rico
Source: StackOverflow