How can I use Consul as a dynamic dns? Can we have it exposed outside the k8s cluster having a sidecar pod on the traefik or nginx controller?


I have a k8s cluster and I am planning to have consul on it. I want the dns to come from consul so that services listing on it moves around. When a pod stands up there should be a consul sidecar pod, the agent, that goes with it and registers its service, that way we can get dynamic dns. Am i right here?

Also, all the services have that consul dns point but not everything is exposed outside the k8s cluster so I should have something to expose ingresses outside the k8s cluster. An ingress can work from outside and inside, as long as service is exposed with an ingress, we are good to go and if it is not exposed with an ingress we cannot talk to it from outside. Can we have a side car pod on the ingress pod itself whether it is traefik or nginx, somehow pulling it using publishing. This way when ingress is registered, the ingress controller shows has the sidecar so it just shows up.

-- Kan D

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