How to execute kubernetes job with ansible module


I'm trying to create a playbook to run a k8s job with ansible, but I have timeout problems.

Ansible 2.8.1 Kubernetes 1.11

  - name: Execute1
      state: present
      verify_ssl: no
      username: username
      password: "password"
      definition: "{{ lookup('template', 'files/job.yml')| from_yaml }}"

The job.yml is ok, I'm tested with kubectl -f job.yaml apply. The Host, User and Pass is ok, I'm tested in browser.

I expect the output is the creation of a job from the .yml file

-- Vinicius Peres

1 Answer


As @Vinicius Peres mentioned in the comment, the issue has been solved by applying command lines within Ansible shell module, deserving the same result as was expected to get from playbook through k8s_raw module.

- name: Container Exec 3 - Verify Job and Exec Job
  shell: docker exec job-backup-portal bash -c 'VERIFY_JOB=$(kubectl -n production get job| grep -c backup-portal-site); [[ ${VERIFY_JOB} -ge 1 ]] && kubectl -n production delete job backup-portal-site || kubectl -n production -f /home/job.yml apply'

Match wiki flag to this answer as potential workaround solution.

-- mk_sta
Source: StackOverflow