Mutual or individual Kubernetes clusters?


We have different saas applications to deploy for our clients with 2 different configurations: some applications are exclusive to some clients (one or multiple apps for a single client) while others are shared between clients (same app for all clients but with different accounts). What's the best strategy (in terms of HA, security, etc.) to deploy them: using a big single mutual Kubernetes cluster for all of our clients or individual kubernetes cluster for each different client?

-- MFM

1 Answer


I'd say this is somewhat opinion based, but given you have resource limits, network policies, namespaces and RBAC you can use a single cluster for multiple clients.

You just have to make sure your cluster is resilient to failures if you have a single cluster for everything. For example, in AKS you can use availability zones

-- 4c74356b41
Source: StackOverflow