How to get the IP address from "docker-for-desktop" node?


I'm trying to get the IP address of the "docker-for-desktop" node.

I'm switching from minikube to docker-for-desktop because it doesn't require VirtualBox.

Screenshot of docker-for-desktop

I created a service that exposes a NodePort. When I use minikube context, I'm able to reach the service via minikube's IP address. When I switch to docker-for-desktop context, I'm not able to reach the service because I don't know its IP address.

With minikube, I was able to do:

$ minikube ip

or even:

$ minikube service list

I'm not sure how to do that with docker-for-desktop.

I would expect to have a command that gives a docker-for-desktop IP address.

-- mathieux51

1 Answer


Minikube is creating a virtual machine that has its own IP, but when using Docker for Mac, you use your own laptop, so where you were using the minikube ip you can now just use localhost. It's just simpler.

-- Jose Armesto
Source: StackOverflow