GRPC Load Balancing with Envoy


Might be a dumb question (apologies)....

I currently have a microservice application written in GO and using GRPC for all service to service communication. I am currently using client side load balancing written in GRPC and would like to switch over to a proxy method (istio with envoy).

I can easily enable istio and sidecar injection. What I am confused on is how I get envoy to RoundRobin across all the services. Do I need to do anything client side? Will envoy automatically see the services as they scale? Seems almost too good to be true that I just need to enable sidecar injection and everything should work like magic.

Thank you very much.

-- mornindew

1 Answer


Here is a decent article describing how to setup Istio gRPC Loadbalancing.

There a two cases:

client_grpc_app (on GCEVM) --> (GCP ILB) --> Istio --> Service
client_grpc_app (external) --> (GCP ExternalLB) --> Istio --> Service

Hope you find it helpful

-- A_Suh
Source: StackOverflow