replicas: {
test: 1,
stage: 2,
prod: 3
Here I am trying to use Helm templates to define number of replicas per namespace but am unsure of the proper syntax and pattern:
replicas: {{ .Values.replicas.{{ .Release.Namespace }} }}
So if this were deployed to --namespace=prod
, I would expect the template to return:
replicas: 3
I don't think that Helm supports evaluating variable in the variable. For this, you're expression would need to be evaluated twice.
What you could do is to write the following code:
{{ if eq .Release.Namespace "test" }}{{ .Values.replicas.test }}{{ end }}
You can then also extract that code to your _helpers.tpl
. Then the usage should be clear and pretty.
All of the template functions provided by the standard Go text/template library are available. In particular, that includes an index
function which can do dynamic lookup in an array or map object.
replicas: {{ index .Values.replicas .Release.Namespace }}