Unable to get the web interface of IBM websphere MQ in Azure Kubernetes


We are trying to spin up a Stateful MQ manager with default storage Class as persistent storage mounted for data in an Azure Kubernetes cluster. Here is the link which we followed. We exposed the service type as LoadBalancer as shown in below command.

helm install stable/ibm-mqadvanced-server-dev --version 3.0.1 --set service.type=LoadBalancer,security.initVolumeAsRoot=true,license=accept

Now, we can able to deploy the MQ pod in AKS and it shows the pod status as running. but unable to get the web interface of MQ. Here we are taking service type as LoadBalancer and added security groups for NodePorts created by LoadBalancer. still, we are failed to access the service. we have checked pod logs and it shows the logs as Started web server at the end.

Could anybody suggest what might be the reason for not getting the web interface of IBM WebSphere MQ and what are the possible ways to overcome this issue?

-- gayathri

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