How to create SRV record using external-DNS?


I am using external-dns and as ingress solution I am using Voyager. I am looking to create SRV records to my hosts that are running on k8s cluster on aws.

Becasue of the services that I am running on my k8s cluster I am looking to create SVR records for the exposed ingress services in same way I am using for the hostname.

Anyone has any idea how to create srv records with external-dns?

Thank you!

-- Constantin Radulescu

1 Answer


As you did not provide more detailed information I will post general information how to get DNS Records.

In order to create DNS records via External-DNS you have to create:

  • DNS Zone
  • Nginx Ingress Controller
  • Service
  • ServiceAccount
  • ClusterRole
  • ClusterRoleBinding
  • Deployment
  • Setup ExternalDNS

All detailed steps are provided here. Also much general information about required/supported stuff can be found here.

Please note that if ExternalDNS is ignored in your setup you should check --source ingress flag in manifest.

If you will adjust manifest with your data and provide good annotations to nginx, you should be able to see DNS records for Ingress.

-- PjoterS
Source: StackOverflow