Bit of a helm novice here, in short I want to reference the current Kubernetes context within my helm chart template. Is this possible? Example:
if the upgrade was run via:
/var/jenkins_home/helm291 upgrade -i --kube-context Dev
And the template contained a deployment.yaml with the following:
- name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}"
{{- if contains "Dev" .Release.Kube_Context}}
Is there some variable I am missing that can check the Kube Context (aka replace Release.Kube_Context)? Am I approaching this the wrong way (specifying environment configuration)?
There is no way of doing it and it's also a bad practice to do it in the templates. Templates should be generic - you modify environment specific things in values.yaml files. You can use the --kube-context flag instead if you are running it from Jenkins
You can export the context values you need and then execute helm, so they will be available as environmental vars.
For example, if you need the token access:
export TOKEN=$(kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.users[?( == "dev-user")]}'); /var/jenkins_home/helm291 upgrade -i --kube-context Dev