Unknown object type "nil" in Secret.data.redis-password


I have a tool which is now available to be deployed on Kubernetes. A known person made a document on getithub where he asked to run two power shell files. source

When I run first file 0-install-tools.ps1, it installs tools like virtualbox, minikube, helm and kubernetes-cli.

When I run second file 1-Deploy-Minikube.ps1, it is getting failed on last step where it is executing:

helm install -n qliksense qlik/qliksense -f values.yaml

The person who has created the getithub doc on the same has run it successful but am not sure why it is failing at my windows10 machine.

Following error I am getting:

error validating data: unknown object type "nil" in Secret.data.redis-password

Can you please help me to know why it is failing at my side or there is some problem with the version these powershell files are installing ?

Hardware: 3 core and 8 GB RAM.

I am hoping a positive response from your team.

Thanks, Rohit

I rerun powershell files several times.

Expected result is mentioned in the article I discussed in content

-- rkumar1609

1 Answer


You need to downgrade to Helm 12.3.1 as recently described in the project Troubleshooting.

This error appears during Qlik package installation, when using Helm 2.14. Issue can be reoslve by downgrading to Helm 12.3.1.

choco install kubernetes-helm --version 2.13.1 --yes --force

-- Andre Miras
Source: StackOverflow