istio new installation causing readinees probe failed


I am installing istio version 1.1.5 on Azure kubernetes services. i have followed the installation procedure mentioned in this istio site isito installation

I have installed istio-demo installation pack. after successful installation,few resources are not starting...

NAME                               READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
grafana-6b849f66c8-hfn24                  1/1       Running            0          10h
istio-citadel-6f958bff99-r4jdj            1/1       Running            0          10h
istio-galley-64867c7ddc-jggxx             1/1       Running            0          10h
istio-grafana-post-install-1.1.5-8mstl    0/1       Completed          0          10h
istio-ingressgateway-5f9765f889-gpvt2     0/1       Running            0          10h
istio-init-crd-10-8s7ng                   0/1       Completed          0          10h
istio-init-crd-11-jdgrd                   0/1       Completed          0          10h
istio-pilot-ff9d76fd8-5zz89               1/2       Running            0          10h
istio-policy-6d5fff9559-qdgqw             1/2       CrashLoopBackOff   225        10h
istio-sidecar-injector-847bcc5744-lgtzd   1/1       Running            0          10h
istio-telemetry-795546db77-sqr5j          1/2       CrashLoopBackOff   221        10h
istio-tracing-595796cf54-x78qr            1/1       Running            0          10h
kiali-5c584d45f6-q54kw                    1/1       Running            0          10h
prometheus-5fffdf8848-7ddkw               1/1       Running            0          10h

when i checked the pod description of istio-ingressgateway-5f9765f889-gpvt2, I am getting below error..

Readiness probe failed: HTTP probe failed with statuscode: 503

similarly for other pod istio-telemetry-795546db77-sqr5j , I am getting below error.

Liveness probe failed: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused

I have enabled rewriteAppHTTPProbe=true but no luck..

-- pappu_kutty

1 Answer


Same issue was already discussed here

Istio is overwhelming the API server on startup.

To fix it you need to add --useAdapterCRDs=false to the args of the mixer container in the policy_container and telemetry_container sections.

-- A_Suh
Source: StackOverflow