.NET Core / Kubernetes - SIGTERM, clean shutdown


I'm trying to verify that shutdown is completing cleanly on Kubernetes, with a .NET Core 2.0 app.

I have an app which can run in two "modes" - one using ASP.NET Core and one as a kind of worker process. Both use Console and JSON-which-ends-up-in-Elasticsearch-via-Filebeat-sidecar-container logger output which indicate startup and shutdown progress.

Additionally, I have console output which writes directly to stdout when a SIGTERM or Ctrl-C is received and shutdown begins.

Locally, the app works flawlessly - I get the direct console output, then the logger output flowing to stdout on Ctrl+C (on Windows).

My experiment scenario:

  • App deployed to GCS k8s cluster (using helm, though I imagine that doesn't make a difference)
  • Using kubectl logs -f to stream logs from the specific container
  • Killing the pod from GCS cloud console site, or deleting the resources via helm delete
  • Dockerfile is FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.1-aspnetcore-runtime and has ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MyAppHere.dll"], so not wrapped in a bash process or anything
  • Not specifying a terminationGracePeriodSeconds so guess it defaults to 30 sec
  • Observing output returned


  • The API pod log streaming showed just the immediate console output, "[SIGTERM] Stop signal received", not the other Console logger output about shutdown process
  • The worker pod log streaming showed a little more - the same console output and some Console logger output about shutdown process
  • The JSON logs didn't seem to pick any of the shutdown log output

My conclusions:

  1. I don't know if Kubernetes is allowing the process to complete before terminating it, or just issuing SIGTERM then killing things very quick. I think it should be waiting, but then, why no complete console logger output?
  2. I don't know if console output is cut off when stdout log streaming at some point before processes finally terminates?
  3. I would guess that the JSON stuff doesn't come through to ES because filebeat running in the sidecar terminates even if there's outstanding stuff in files to send

I would like to know:

  • Can anyone advise on points 1,2 above?
  • Any ideas for a way to allow a little extra time or leeway for the sidecar to send stuff up, like a pod container termination order, delay on shutdown for that container, etc?
-- Kieren Johnstone

3 Answers


Try add STOPSIGNAL SIGINT to your Dockerfile

-- jobstos
Source: StackOverflow


I've started to look into this for my own purposes and have come across your question over a year after it was posted... This is a bit late, but have you tried GraceTerm? There is an associated NuGET package for this.

From the description...

Graceterm middleware provides implementation to ensure graceful shutdown of AspNet Core applications. The basic concept is: After application received a SIGTERM (a signal asking it to terminate), Graceterm will hold it alive till all pending requests are completed or a timeout occur.

I haven't personally tried this yet, but it does look promising.

-- Jay
Source: StackOverflow


SIGTERM does indeed signal termination. The less obvious part is that when the SIGTERM handler returns, everything is considered finished.

The fix is to not return from the SIGTERM handler until the app has finished shutting down. For example, using a ManualResetEvent and Wait()ing it in the handler.

-- Kieren Johnstone
Source: StackOverflow