Externally accessing Kafka on Openshift


I am trying to use this method of deploying Kafka to Openshift: https://github.com/mattf/openshift-kafka

The deployment sets up and I can set up a broker and consumer inside the container and they work fine. When I tried to access a topic using a console-consumer (using port-forward to my local machine) i got a message saying that a broker is not available.

I tried adding advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT://openshiftRoute:80 override to the yaml file but now I am getting Error while fetching metadata with correlation id X : {test=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE}.

When I try using the Openshift route to the localhost:9092

kafka-console-consumer.bat --bootstrap-server http://route:80 --topic test --from-beginning

i get

[2019-05-14 21:58:47,773] ERROR Error processing message, terminating consumer process:  (kafka.tools.ConsoleConsumer$)
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

What am I missing here, how can I access Kafka externally in Openshift?

-- Matt

1 Answer


If you want to simplify the way to do that, you could try the Strimzi project (https://strimzi.io) for deploying and managing an Apache Kafka cluster on Kubernetes and OpenShift. It provides a really simple way for exposing the Kafka cluster outside of OpenShift using routes (but even supporting load balancers and node ports). You can read more here: https://strimzi.io/docs/latest/#con-kafka-listeners-deployment-configuration-kafka

-- ppatierno
Source: StackOverflow