How do i make my Pods in Kubernetes Cluster (GKE) to use the Node's IP Address to communicate to the VMs outside the cluster


I have created a Kubernetes Cluster on Google Cloud using GKE service.

The GCP Environment has a VPC which is connected to the on-premises network using a VPN. The GKE Cluster is created in a subnet, say subnet1, in the same VPC. The VMs in the subnet1 are able to communicate to an on-premises endpoint on its internal(private) ip address. The complete subnet's ip address range( is whitelisted in the on-premises firewall.

The GKE Pods use the ip addresses out of the secondary ip address assigned to them( I did exec in one of the pods and tried to hit the on-premise network but was not able to get a response. When i checked the network logs, i found that the source ip was Pod's IP( which was used to communicate with the on-premises endpoint( Where as I want that the Pod should use the Node's IP Address to communicate to the on-premises endpoint.

There is a deployment done for the Pods and the deployment is exposed as a ClusterIP Service. This Service is attached to a GKE Ingress.

-- Freak

1 Answer


I found IP masquerade is applied on GKE cluster, so when your pods are talking together, they are seeing their real IP but if one pod is talking to a resource on internet, the node IP is used instead.

The default configuration for this rule on GKE is : So any IP in the range is considered as internal and will use the pods' IP to communicate.

Hopefully, this range can be easily changed :

  • you have to enable Network policy on your cluster, this can be done through GKE UI in GCP console, this will enable calico networking on your cluster
  • you create a configmap that will be used by calico to exclude some IP ranges from this behavior :

apiVersion: v1 data: config: | nonMasqueradeCIDRs: - <-- this IP range will now be considered as external and use nodes' IP resyncInterval: 60s kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: ip-masq-agent namespace: kube-system

-- MrLuje
Source: StackOverflow