Mount a shared volume to Kubernetes cluster so that all users can access same storage and share files


I am following Zero to JupyterHub with Kubernetes to create a jupyterHub environment for my team to use.

Using Google Kubernetes Engine and every user gets his/her own storage and files are stored - this setup works fine.

I am having trouble as how should I create a volume or shared database so that everyone in team can see each other's notebooks, share file's and data.

To explain more, in desired setup - when a user signs in and goes to his/her jupyter image - every user sees the same folder "shared" and one can create individual folders for themselves inside that folder but are able to reuse code that someone else has already written.

I looked into NFS with Firestore but that seems very expensive.

-- Jasmine

1 Answer


As in the documentation gcePersistenceDisk do not support multiple read and write. There is alternative solution for the problem. Rook is a storage backend various storage provisioner available through it. One of them is Ceph which has shared filesystem solution on kubernetes.

-- Erik Jagyugya
Source: StackOverflow