I want to deploy jupyter notebook on a kubernetes cluster. Following the official documentation(https://zero-to-jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setup-jupyterhub.html), I ran the following command:
# Suggested values: advanced users of Kubernetes and Helm should feel
# free to use different values.
helm upgrade --install $RELEASE jupyterhub/jupyterhub \
--namespace $NAMESPACE \
--version=0.8.2 \
--values jupyter-hub-config.yaml
Where jupyter-hub-config.yaml
is a config file as mentioned in the doc, containing a token generated by the command openssl rand -hex 32
While running the aforementioned command, I get the following error:
Error: release jhub failed: persistentvolumeclaims "hub-db-dir" is forbidden: Internal error occurred: 8 default StorageClasses were found
I tried looking into various methods of installing jhub
but none could point me to any difference in this approach that I would consider causing error here.
The o/p of the command kubectl get storageclass
aviral-worker-volume (default) kubernetes.io/aws-ebs 14d
default (default) kubernetes.io/aws-ebs 14d
es-ebs-storage (default) kubernetes.io/aws-ebs 7d
gp2 (default) kubernetes.io/aws-ebs 14d
prometheus-monitoring-volume (default) kubernetes.io/aws-ebs 8d
replicated (default) kubernetes.io/aws-ebs 14d
replicated-premkit (default) kubernetes.io/aws-ebs 14d
replicated-statsd (default) kubernetes.io/aws-ebs 14d
You have 8 default storage classes in your cluster, which is definitely not normal. You should make sure you have only one default storage class.
I don't know which one should be default, it's totally up to your cluster, I don't wanna be responsible for that decision. But for all storage classes except the default you need to do this:
kubectl patch storageclass <your-class-name> -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"false"}}}'