How do I write a CRD using the kubernetes-client for javascript?


Examples are pretty limited, so going off what my IDE shows me and what I dig up from the source code. Having trouble.

I created my CRD already. I want to post it. Currently, its just a github webhook with a payload that I plan to trim later. I can't seem to find the right constructor to pass to KubeConfig's makeApiClient function. I have the CRD, and I originally thought it was Custom_objectsApi, but that's only for the CRD creation and not a new Custom Object of my type.

Is there a way to do this? Do I have to make a new class myself? Can I just post raw yaml if that's the case?

Here is my CRD as well as the json I am trying to post.

  const yamlString = k8s.dumpYaml({
    "apiVersion": "",
    "kind": "Payload",
    "metadata": {
      "type": "github",
      "sha": event.payload.after,
      "head commit author":
    "spec": {
      "payload": event.payload

Edit: Could we possibly go into explaining our down-vote actions instead of not doing so? I don't see a reason to at this point. Other users may also have this question.

To clarify I am trying to post a object that has a kind using the CRD I created. Not a new CRD.

Edit 2: For reference, using

-- quantomworks

1 Answer


If you've already built your CRD, you can access the objects in the kubernetes api like this.

const k8s = require('@kubernetes/client-node');

const kc = new k8s.KubeConfig()

const k8sClient = kc.makeApiClient(k8s.CustomObjectsApi);

resp = k8sClient.getNamespacedCustomObjectStatus('', apiVersion', namespace, crdKind, objName)
// resp.body is your object. for example resp.body.spec. 
-- Jake
Source: StackOverflow