Deploy harbor on kubernetes cluster


am following below guide to setup harbor in kubernetes cluster.

It shows how to generate deployment files for kuberentes. I could generate the yaml files for harbor registry service. However, deployment files for Clair and Notary services are missing.

How can i generate the deployment files for Clair and Notary services.

Moreover, below files are also missing

-- P Ekambaram

1 Answer


The Kubernetes Helm chart for Harbor helps installers of Harbor to configure the extra services and the myriad of Harbor configurations. In the readme there are options for configuring Clair, Notary, and other add ons. The chart's default and opinionated settings can be overridden.

If by chance, you are setting up Harbor on DigitalOcean Kubernetes (DOKS) then this provisioning script shows an example of using the Harbor Helm chart.

-- javajon
Source: StackOverflow