Kubernetes - not enabled - with Docker for desktop (windows 10) but "kubectl cluster-info" works? Why?


I uninstalled Docker and installed it again (using the stable release channel).

Is it normal that the command "kubectl cluster-info" shows the output:

Kubernetes master is running at https://localhost:6445

But Kubernetes is not enabled in the Docker settings.


-- pellea

1 Answer


I have reproduced your case.

If you install Docker on Windows10 without any other Kubernetes configuration it will return output:

$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at http://localhost:8080

When you will enable Kubernetes in Docker for Windows you will receive output:

$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at http://localhost:6445
KubeDNS is running at https://localhost:6445/api/v1/namespace/kube-system/services/kube-dns/proxy

After reinstall I have checked current kubernetes config and it was as below $ kubectl config view

In config you will still have

   server: https://localhost:6445

Even after I deleted docker via Control Panel I still had C:\Users\%USERNAME%\.docker and C:\Users\%USERNAME%\.kube directories with config.

To back to default you need to delete Docker, remove manually .docker and .kube directories with configs and install docker.

-- PjoterS
Source: StackOverflow