We are having dns resolution issues where when I look at the coredns pods I see the following:
coredns-576cbf47c7-7n2hq 1/1 Running 0 11m k8ctl-prod-02.hostname <none>
coredns-576cbf47c7-jdrvb 1/1 Running 0 59m k8worker-prod-03.hostname <none>
coredns-576cbf47c7-n9k8m 1/1 Running 0 154d k8worker-prod-02.hostname <none>
I have 3 worker nodes and one of my worker nodes cannot get dns resolution because there is no dns pod running on it.
Questions I have are how can I get it to run on worker node (I have tried killing it and letting it respawn naturally but that seems to not work), I don't have any taints for it and I probably should but another question is why is it picking up the docker0 network when it should be picking up the kubernetes network on creation?