Kubernetes dedicated cockroachdb node - accessing admin ui via traefik ingress controller fails - page isn't redirecting properly
I have a dedicated kubernetes node running cockroachdb. The pods get scheduled and everything is setup. I want to access the admin UI from a subdomain like so: cockroachdb.hostname.com. I have done this with traefik dashboard and ceph dashboard so I know my ingress setup is working. I even have cert-manager running to have https enabled. I get the error from the browser that the page is not redirecting properly.
Do I have to specify the host name somewhere special?
I have tried adding this with no success: --http-host cockroachdb.hostname.com
This dedicated node has its own public ip which is not mapped to hostname.com. I think I need to change a setting in cockroachdb, but I don't know which because I am new to it.
Does anyone know how to publish admin UI via an ingress?
EDIT01: Added ingress and service config files
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: cockroachdb-public
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: traefik
traefik.frontend.rule.type: PathPrefixStrip
certmanager.k8s.io/issuer: "letsencrypt-prod"
certmanager.k8s.io/acme-challenge-type: http01
ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "true"
ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-temporary-redirect: "true"
ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-host: "cockroachdb.hostname.com"
traefik.frontend.rule: "Host:cockroachdb.hostname.com,www.cockroachdb.hostname.com"
traefik.frontend.redirect.regex: "^https://www.cockroachdb.hostname.com(.*)"
traefik.frontend.redirect.replacement: "https://cockroachdb.hostname.com/$1"
- host: cockroachdb.hostname.com
- path: /
serviceName: cockroachdb-public
servicePort: http
- host: www.cockroachdb.hostname.com
- path: /
serviceName: cockroachdb-public
servicePort: http
- hosts:
- cockroachdb.hostname.com
- www.cockroachdb.hostname.com
secretName: cockroachdb-secret
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
# This service is meant to be used by clients of the database. It exposes a ClusterIP that will
# automatically load balance connections to the different database pods.
name: cockroachdb-public
app: cockroachdb
# The main port, served by gRPC, serves Postgres-flavor SQL, internode
# traffic and the cli.
- port: 26257
targetPort: 26257
name: grpc
# The secondary port serves the UI as well as health and debug endpoints.
- port: 8080
targetPort: 8080
name: http
app: cockroachdb
I can access the Admin UI page now but only by going over the external ip address of the server with port 8080. I think I need to tell my server that its ip address is mapped to the correct sub domain?
On both scheduled traefik-ingress pods the following logs are created: time="2019-04-29T04:31:42Z" level=error msg="Service not found for default/cockroachdb-public"
Your referencing looks good on the ingress side. You are using quite a few redirects, unless you really know what each one is accomplishing, don't use them, you might end up in an infinite loop of redirects.
You can take a look at the following logs and methods to debug:
Run kubectl logs <traefik pod>
and see the last batch of logs.
Run kubectl get service
, and from what I hear, this is likely your main issue. Make sure your service exists in the default namespace.
Run kubectl port-forward svc/cockroachdb-public 8080:8080
and try connecting to it through localhost:8080
and see terminal for potential error messages.
Run kubectl describe ingress cockroachdb-public
and look at the events, this should give you something to work with.
Try accessing the service from another pod you have running ping cockroachdb-public.default.svc.cluster.local
and see if it resolves the IP address.
Take a look at your clusterrolebindings and serviceaccount, it might be limited and not have permission to list services in the default namespace: kubectl create clusterrolebinding default-admin --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount=default:default