How to set a minimum scale for Cloud Run on GKE services?


I'm using Cloud Run on Google Kubernetes Engine and I'm able to deploy and access services without a problem.

But since I'm running on GKE and paying for the cluster 24/7 it makes no sense to scale a deployment to zero and always have a cold start for the first request.

I've found that's it's possible to set minScale for the Knative autoscaler to disable scale to zero here, here and here, but I have no idea where to put it.

There are a lot of configurations, services and workloads inside GKE for Isito and Knative-Serving, but I couldn't find anything matching.

Which file or configuration do I have to edit to set minScale to 1? Or won't this be possible since Cloud Run manages the specific template internally?

-- dbanck

1 Answer


Using kubectl, you should be able to set the annotation "1" on your Knative service.

See this page for more info

-- Steren
Source: StackOverflow