I need to implement gRPC health check so I can use my gRPC API in Kubernetes.
I've worked out that I need to put the health checking proto file in my server, and implement it.
It looks like there's a library that already implements it for Ruby, but I can't work out how to use it.
I've got the 'grpc' gem installed and I've tried this:
require 'grpc/health/checker'
# Implement health service.
health_svc = Grpc::Health::Checker.new
health_svc.add_status("plugin", Grpc::Health::V1::HealthCheckResponse::
And I've tried this:
require 'health_check_services_pb'
class HealthCheckService < Grpc::Health::V1::Health::Service
def check(req, req_view)
checker = Grpc::Health::Checker.new
checker.check(req, req_view)
but I keep getting the error:
NameError: uninitialized constant Grpc::Health::Checker
So how do I use the library (other than copy all the library code from GitHub into my server)?
Looks like the correct requires for the protobufs are
require 'grpc/health/v1/health_pb'
require 'grpc/health/v1/health_services_pb'
as found in checker_spec.rb