Connecting Amazons EKS to use Azures Active Directory for RBAC


I currently have an issue where Azure Active Directory is being used to integrate into Kubernetes RBAC (on prem) and there is a need to move to the cloud, for various reasons the decision has been made to use EKS from Amazon, is there a way to integrate Azure AD and EKS?

So currently I have tried two routes, one being setting up the identity provider on AWS to connect to Azure AD, and the other I am looking at Dex, but I feel these are all really hacky as with this issue on Github it would be the easiest to just set the flags:

  • oidc-issuer-url
  • oidc-client-id
  • oidc-ca-file
  • oidc-username-claim
  • oidc-groups-claim

What I would like to see is being able to use Azure AD Groups in Roles on the EKS cluster

-- Spazzy757

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