Health checks in blocking (synchronous) web-frameworks


I have blocking (synchronous) web-framework with uWSGI. Task if to prepare /health endpoint for kubernetes to ensure that pod is alive. There is no issue with endpoint itself, but issue is in sync nature. For example, if I define 8 processes in uWSGI and web-application processes 8 heavy requests, call to /health will be queued and depends on timeouts, kubernetes may not receive response in some period of time and decides to kill/restart pod. Of course I can run another web-service on different port but it will require changes in code and increase complexity of deployment. Maybe I'm missing something and it's possible to define exclusive worker in uWSGI to process /health endpoint in non-blocking way? Thanks in advance!

-- Victor Apkarian

1 Answer


WSGI is an inherently synchronous protocol. There has been some work to create a new async-friendly replacement called ASGI, but it's only implemented by the Django Channels project AFAIK. While you can mount a sync-mode WSGI app in an async server (generally using threads), you can't go the other way. So you could, for example, write some twisted.web code that grabs requests to /health and handles them natively via Twisted and hands off everything else to the WSGI container. I don't know of anything off the shelf for this though.

-- coderanger
Source: StackOverflow