How to increase the max request header in the Loadbalancer(Keepalived) & kubernetes APP Docker Container


I have a K8s Cluster build on v1.8 with HA mode having keepalived & nginx as a LB.I want to increase the max request header to 64MB at the LB Proxy level. Can any one suggest on how to increase the max request header at the proxy level & Docker container level?

keepalived Configuration:

vrrp\_instance VI\_PUB {
interface ens32
mcast\_src\_ip 172.16.x.x
virtual\_router\_id x
priority x
virtual\_ipaddress {
virtual\_server 172.16.x.x 9081  {
quorum\_down /etc/keepalived/stop\
delay\_loop 15
lb\_algo wrr
lb\_kind NAT
protocol TCP
real\_server 172.16.x.x 8081 {
 connect\_timeout 3
nb\_get\_retry 2
delay\_before\_retry 1

If you want any more details - please let me know I'll update the Body accordingly..

-- manoj kumar

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