How do managed Kubernetes providers hide the master nodes?


If I run kubectl get nodes on GKE, EKS, or DigitalOcean Kubernetes, I only see the worker nodes. How are these systems architected at the network or application level to create this separation between workers and masters?

-- Thomas Fussell

2 Answers


A Container Engine cluster is a group of Compute Engine instances running Kubernetes. It consists of one or more node instances, and a managed Kubernetes master endpoint. Every container cluster has a single master endpoint, which is managed by Container Engine. The master provides a unified view into the cluster and, through its publicly-accessible endpoint, is the doorway for interacting with the cluster.

The managed master also runs the Kubernetes API server, which services REST requests, schedules pod creation and deletion on worker nodes, and synchronizes pod information (such as open ports and location) with service information.

More info can be found here

-- VKR
Source: StackOverflow


You can run the Kubernetes control plane outside Kubernetes as long as the worker nodes have network access to the control plane. This approach is used on most managed Kubernetes solutions.

-- Lukas Eichler
Source: StackOverflow