Resolving kubernetes endpoints hostname to a given cluster, from within


I have a Kubernetes cluster on AWS (no EKS) with each service having endpoint urls to which they communicate "hardcoded" within their docker image.

Now I want to create at the same aws account a clone of that cluster, keeping the first one intact. The problem is that when I create a service, its ingress entry overwrites in route53 the one used for the original cluster.

What I would like to achieve?

  • For every hostname defined within a cluster I want to have it resolved internally to point to that cluster entity, as long as it exists there.
  • I want to have hostnames registered in route53 only for the original cluster, the second one not affecting those entries in any way. So to speak I want to have an explicit option to register it or not in route53.

I use external-dns and nginx ingress controller.

-- yauser

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