Automatically get cluster credentials when activating gcloud configuration


Working in GCP with several kubernetes clusters, I would like to automatically get cluster credentials when switching gcloud configurations.

I have created several configurations for gcloud with gcloud config configurations create [config-name] and I have set what I need, specifically gcloud config set container/cluster [cluster-name].

When I switch configurations with gcloud config configurations activate [config-name], everything goes ok, except I do not get the credentials for the cluster I have configured for that configuration. Instead I need to run gcloud container clusters get-credentials [cluster-name].

Is there any way to automatically get credentials for a cluster when activating a gcloud configuration?

-- Santiago Aldanondo

1 Answer


I think not.

gcloud and kubectl are distinct tools and each maintains its own configuration.

gcloud container custers get-credentials is a bridging helper that configures kubectl configuration (conventionally located in ~/.kube/config file) with a gcloud auth helper to facilitate accessing Kubernetes Engine clusters. But, otherwise the 2 tools are unrelated.

Have a look at this post I wrote that covers using different configurations with kubectl. It's not exactly what you want but I hope it will be useful:

-- DazWilkin
Source: StackOverflow