UDP Loadbalancing Alternative in EKS


It's come to my attention that NLB does not support UDP, or any other type of LoadBalancer on AWS. I am deploying an application on Kubernetes with the following constraints:

  • I need multiple pods running on multiple node, not using host networking
  • I need to route traffic (UDP/TCP) to this deployment
  • The pods should be used interchangeably (a given user's traffic might be routed to pod A on node 1 or pod B on node 2, and I shouldn't have to worry)
  • It doesn't have to give me a static IP / AWS NLB domain / or a given domain, as long as the LoadBalancer gives me something to connect to my pods through, I don't care what it looks like.

Any guidance would be appreciate!

-- cookiedough

1 Answer


Seems like UDP LBs are on the roadmap for AWS, but still unavailable according to this. But DNS round-robin, and setting up your own LB are common approaches mentioned in the community to address the lack of UDP support for AWS LB services.

Hope this helps!

-- Frank Yucheng Gu
Source: StackOverflow