Can you run Kubernetes nodes on multiple clouds as part of one cluster?


Is it possible to run a single Kubernetes cluster that includes nodes that are spread across multiple clouds? For example, could you have some nodes running in AWS and some in Azure, and all be a part of the same cluster?

This question was asked in 2015 but I'm not sure if that answer is still accurate.

-- gadolphus

2 Answers


Assuming that you can reach a low latency between the machines then it should not be a problem. There are many reasons to do this but also many to not do it (security, latency, networking problems). I did not attempt to do this yet so if there is someone who has experience in this topic I will gladly welcome some more insights. There is an interesting whitepapers and report about multi cloud deployments here. You would have to also look at cluster federation described in the Kubernetes official docs and the tool used for it Kubefed. There is another source in medium article from 2017 with approach to do this using Juju and Kubefed.

I am going to actually try this this week or in the beggining of next. So I will comeback with some more information.

You can find some information about similar scenario here.

-- aurelius
Source: StackOverflow


I don't see a use case of using such environments. For the time we can't use such a way of deployment in Kubernetes documents

-- Kasun Raditha Rajapakse
Source: StackOverflow