I am trying to assign a json file to a variable inside loop in ansible using --set-string and then run helm upgrade command. But it gives -
This command needs 2 arguments: release name, chart path\nError: plugin \"tiller\" exited with error" error.
{% for file in v.value.files %}
--set-string config[{{ loopOut.index0 }}].files[{{ loop.index0 }}].name={{ file }}
{% set args = args|combine(v.value.args) %}
--set-string config[{{ loopOut.index0 }}].files[{{ loop.index0 }}].value=
{{ lookup('file','../files/initData.json')| from_json }}
{% endfor %}
where loopOut is outer loop variable inside which I have this current loop. What am I doing wrong here? I even tried to put
"{{ lookup('file','../files/initData.json')| from_json }}" in quotes
But this also does not help.