I have Grafana and Prometheus set up on my k8s cluster. Both were installed thru helm using https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable. Both Grafana and Prometheus are set up thru k8s nginx ingress with my domian addresses. When I try to set up the Prometheus as a data source in Grafana I get HTTP Error Bad Gateway
. In the chrome console in Grafana page I see:
Grafana version: Grafana v6.0.0 (commit: 34a9a62)
Grafana data source settings for Prometheus: URL: https://prometheus.mydomain.com:9090
Access: Server(Default)
Auth: Basic & TLS Client Auth
What might be wrong and how to debug/fix it?
In Grafana data source settings for prometheus database add prometheus service dns and service port. Like below
<prometheus service name>. Namespace. Svc. Cluster. Local:9090