I have a Kubernetes cluster (Kubernetes 1.13, Weave Net CNI) that has no direct access to an internal company network. There is an authentication-free SOCKS5 proxy that can (only) be reached from the cluster, and which resolves and connects to resources in the internal network:
Consider some 3rd party Docker Images used on Pods that don't have any explicit proxy support, and just want a resolvable DNS name and target port to connect to a TCP-based service (which might be HTTP(S), but doesn't have to be).
What kind of setup would you propose to bind the Pods and Company Network Services together?
The only two things comes to my mind are:
1) Run the Socks5 docker image as a sidecar: https://hub.docker.com/r/serjs/go-socks5-proxy/
2) Use Transparent Proxy Redirector on the nodes - https://github.com/darkk/redsocks