Azure file storage with kubernetes and spring boot application


I have a Spring Boot application which runs in AKS. This spring boot application accesses files. These files are loaded from Azure file share which is mounted during deployment in AKS.

As far as I remember whenever we do deployment the azure files that we mount are present in the pods created for application.

My question now is - Is there a way to have a file poller which looks for file changes from spring boot app. We will upload the files to azure file share through portal. Can we have a way where in these new files are automatically synced with pod files?

-- Anil Kumar P

1 Answer


no, there is nothing built-in kubernetes to do that, you can use sidecar containers to do that using various techniques, like rsync, cron, etc.

also, not sure why you need to sync them, since the share is mounted already.

-- 4c74356b41
Source: StackOverflow