I'm using the terraform kubernetes-provider and I'd like to translate something like this kubectl
command into TF:
kubectl create secret generic my-secret --from-file mysecret.json
It seems, however the secret
resource's data
field expects only a TF map.
I've tried something like
data "template_file" "my-secret" {
template = "${file("${path.module}/my-secret.json")}"
resource "kubernetes_secret" "sgw-config" {
metadata {
name = "my-secret"
type = "Opaque"
data = "{data.template_file.my-secret.template}"
But it complains that this is not a map. So, I can do something like this:
data = {
"my-secret.json" = "{data.template_file.my-secret.template}"
But this will write the secret with a top-level field named my-secret.json
and when I volume mount it, it won't work with other resources.
What is the trick here?
as long the file is UTF-8 encoded you can use something like this
resource "kubernetes_secret" "some-secret" {
metadata {
name = "some-secret"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.some-ns.metadata.0.name
labels = {
"sensitive" = "true"
"app" = "my-app"
data = {
"file.txt" = file("${path.cwd}/your/relative/path/to/file.txt")
If the file is a binary one you will have an error like
Call to function "file" failed: contents of /your/relative/path/to/file.txt are not valid UTF-8; use the filebase64 function to obtain the Base64 encoded contents or the other file functions (e.g. filemd5, filesha256) to obtain file hashing results instead.
I tried encoding the file in base64 but then the problem is that the resulting text will be re-encoded in base64 by the provider. So I guess there is no solution for binary files at the moment... I'll edit with what I find next for binaries.
It seems if you run the command kubectl create secret generic my-secret --from-file mysecret.json
and then
$ kubectl get secrets my-secret -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
my-secret.json: ewogICA.....
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: "2019-03-25T18:20:43Z"
name: my-secret
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "67026"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/my-secret
uid: b397a29c-4f2a-11e9-9806-000c290425d0
type: Opaque
it stores it similarly with the filename as the single key. When I mount this in a volume/volumeMount it works as expected. I was afraid that it wouldn't but when I create the secret using the --from-file
argument, this is exactly how it stores it.
Basically you need to provide a map like this :
resource "kubernetes_secret" "sgw-config" {
metadata {
name = "my-secret"
type = "Opaque"
data {
"key1" = "value1"
"key2" = "value2"
you can refer to your internal variables using
resource "kubernetes_secret" "sgw-config" {
metadata {
name = "my-secret"
type = "Opaque"
data {
"USERNAME" = "${var.some_variable}"
"PASSWORD" = "${random_string.root_password.result}"