Is there any API Gateway for Azure AKS (Azure kubernetes services) cluster


I am new to AKS. I am planning to deploy Micro Services using AKS cluster (Azure kubernetes services) on Azure platform and I want to secure it with solid Authentication and Authorization with Azure AD support. To Do this I am looking for best suited API gateway which supports kubernetes i.e. AKS

API gateway should have following feature -

    1. Authentication and Authorization support
    2. Azure Active directory integration
    3. SSL termination
    4. KPI Metrics
    5. Load Balancing
    6. Request Tracing
    7. Auto scaling
    8. Pre/Post request processing

I have explored couple of options like Ingress Controller, Ambassador. Also we cannot use Azure API Management due to some restrictions from client.


1 Answer


Nothing supports all of those "in box". You can use Azure application gateway, but it wont do 1,2,6,8 (not sure what you mean by 6 exactly). You can take a look at Istio, it has got lots of features. But for tracing you'd probably need to use something like Jaeger\Zipkin.

I think you might be able to use oAuth feature of zipkin to validate oAuth token from Azure AD, but you might need to offload that piece to a service.

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Source: StackOverflow