heptio velero unable to take backup of persistant volumes in azure AKS


i am using
- AKS - k8s version 1.12.5
- Velero version:- v0.11.0
- Documents referred from the link

installed velero on server

  • Install prereq i.e. 00-prereqs.yaml It installs velero namespace, velero service account rbac rules etc.
  • Created azure storage account and container in it. (i used terraform to create storage account while used AZ CLI to create storage container). It is all based on their documentation available.
  • Created secret.

    kubectl create secret generic cloud-credentials --namespace velero --from-literal AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="" --from-literal AZURE_TENANT_ID="" --from-literal AZURE_CLIENT_ID="" --from-literal AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET="" --from-literal AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP="name-of-resource-group-where-my-vm etc created typically starts with MC_ in azure"

  • applied remaining k8s resources present at

execute backup commands
enter image description here

it observed that this command created files for my backup in my storage account as well. enter image description here

the similar structure created for other backups as well.

enter image description here

while checking pod logs it is observed following information

time="2019-03-22T14:38:02Z" level=info msg="Executing takePVSnapshot" backup=velero/d042203191536 group=v1 groupResource=pods logSource="pkg/backup/item_backupper.go:378" name=pvc-6dd56a3d-4c90-11e9-bc92-1297bc38e414 namespace=default time="2019-03-22T14:38:02Z" level=info msg="label \"failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone\" is not present on PersistentVolume"


level=error msg="Error getting block store for volume snapshot

time="2019-03-22T14:38:02Z" level=info msg="PersistentVolume is not a supported volume type for snapshots, skipping." backup=velero/d042203191536 group=v1 groupResource=pods logSource="pkg/backup/item_backupper.go:436"

and following error as well

level=error msg="backup failed" controller=backup error="[clusterroles.rbac.authorization.k8s.io \"system:auth-delegator\" not found, clusterroles.rbac.authorization.k8s.io \"system:auth-delegator\" not found]" key=velero/d042203191618 logSource="pkg/controller/backup_controller.go:202"

all these logs I observed after executing backup at multiple time intervals

not sure if I am missing anything .any pointers to resolve these problems are really helpful.

-- Ganesh Pol

1 Answer


Those are currently supported Volume providers

| [Azure Managed Disks][3]         | Ark Team        | [Slack][10], [GitHub Issue][11] |
| [Google Compute Engine Disks][4] | Ark Team        | [Slack][10], [GitHub Issue][11] |
| [Restic][1]                      | Ark Team        | [Slack][10], [GitHub Issue][11] |
| [Portworx][6]                    | PortWorx        |                                 |
| [DigitalOcean][7]                | StackPointCloud |                                 |

Make sure your volume type is compatible with velero plugins

-- A_Suh
Source: StackOverflow