metalLB vs ingress vs (nodeport or cluster ip) in kubernetes


I want to deploy kubernetes on nonecloud envinroment

I know metalLB is L2 loadbalancer and ingress is L7 loadbalancer and nodeport can loadbalance in L4 bu the question is in production and for 1 million request how should i use them? Is necessary to have all of them?

nodeport can loadbalance between pods those are in different nodes so using metalLB that loadbalance between nodes is useless. how can you explain it? thanks

-- yasin lachini

1 Answer


Are you deploing it on premises? I would use all of them in production, and use metallb in mode BGP, where it divides the on going traffic among the nodes. Metallb divides the traffic between the physical nodes, Ingress finds the appropriate service, and NodePort find the pod in the cluster. They are all necessary for best practices. If you are on cloud providers go for a LB launched there. It can scale accordingly to demand.

-- Leandro Donizetti Soares
Source: StackOverflow