How do I limit container disk usage without evicting?


I'm trying to use Kubernetes on GKE (or EKS) to create Docker containers dynamically for each user and give users shell access to these containers and I want to be able to set a maximum limit on disk space that a container can use (or at least on one of the folders within each container) but I want to implement this in such a way that the pod isn't evicted if the size is exceeded. Instead ideally a user would get an error when trying to write more data to disk than the specified limit (e.g., Disk quota exceeded, etc).

I'd rather not have to use a Kubernetes volume that's backed by a gcePersistentDisk or an EBS volume to minimize the costs. Is there a way to achieve this with Kubernetes?


1 Answer


Assuming you're using emptyDir volume on Kubernetes, which is a temporary disk attached to your pod, you can set a size for that.

See the answer at, this question is likely a duplicate.

-- AhmetB - Google
Source: StackOverflow