docker push into private Docker registry inside Kubernetes cluster fails with: 413 Request Entity Too Large


I have deployed a private Docker registry (image registry:2) in a Kubernetes cluster and exposed it via an Ingress. I am using the nginxinc/kubernetes-ingress (not: kubernetes/ingress-nginx) NGINX ingress controller.

curl https://my_registry/v2/_catalog works fine. But docker push into the registry runs into this error: Pushing ... 100.6MB/100.6MB ... 413 Request Entity Too Large.

For what I know, this can be mitigated by instructing the NGINX ingres controller to accept larger chunks of data. I have e.g. tried adding the annotation "200m" into my Ingress specification (as suggested here) but this has not worked so far.

So what is the right way for instructing an nginxinc/kubernetes-ingress NGINX ingress controller to accept sufficiently large chunks?

UPDATE I have meanwhile concluded that nginxinc/kubernetes-ingress does not take its configuration from annotations, but from a ConfigMap named nginx-config that resides in the same namespace as the NGINX ingress controller. I have now added such a ConfigMap with data client-max-body-size: "200m", but the problem still persists.

-- rookie099

2 Answers


You need to set Annotation: "200m"
-- nhancao
Source: StackOverflow


I have switched from NGINX Inc.'s to Kubernetes' NGINX ingress controller, and there adding the following annotation to the Ingress' metadata proved sufficient:

annotations: 500m
-- rookie099
Source: StackOverflow