JFrog docker registry is not pulling images in Kubernetes


I am using JFrog as docker registry.

If I try to manually pull an image it works, but when I try the same by including in helm chart and helm install command it is throwing an error:

Error: ImagePullBackOff  
pulling image registry_name/jfrogk8s:1.0 
Failed to pull image registry_name/jfrogk8s:1.0: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get https://dip-docker-dip.bintray.io/v2/jfrogk8s/manifests/1.0: unauthorized: Unauthorized"

I have included docker registry in "/etc/docker/daemon.json"


1 Answer


It clearly says - unauthorized: Unauthorized

The docker registry is not invoked while pulling an internal image even though you did put docker registry in "/etc/docker/daemon.json" in the kubernetes environment. Hence, you need to create a Docker Registry Secret and later use it in helm installation to tell kubernetes to pull an internal image using this secret :

kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=<your-registry-server> --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pword> --docker-email=<your-email>


  • <your-registry-server> is your Private Docker Registry FQDN. (https://index.docker.io/v1/ for DockerHub)

  • <your-name> : is your Docker username.

  • <your-pword>: is your Docker password.

  • <your-email>: is your Docker email.

To validate if the docker registry secret regcred is created do

kubectl get secret regcred --output=yaml

Then in your helm charts value.yaml add following line

imagePullSecret: regcred

If you need to do it the Kuberentes way your deploy.yaml will look like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: private-reg
  - name: private-reg-container
    image: <your-private-image>
  - name: regcred
-- vancleff
Source: StackOverflow