kubeadm with load balancer public endpoint


I was able to deploy kubeadm init to launch the master node, and worker node with default setting.

But, I want to be able to run "kubectl" operations outside of VPC through public endpoint and kubeconfig.

I know it has something to do with load balancer, but can't really find any good step by step instructions.

Can anybody help find good resource for kubeadm with public endpoints in AWS?

-- sdfasfasdfsadfstackstackqqq

1 Answer


In general there are 4 steps:

  1. Create an IAM role you'll use to identify users.
  2. Run the Authenticator server as a DaemonSet.
  3. Configure your API server to talk to Authenticator.
  4. Set up kubectl to use Authenticator tokens.

Refer to this link for step-by-step instruction

-- A_Suh
Source: StackOverflow